The Susan G Komen Foundation brought back funding to Planned
Parenthood. This news means a few things for women, feminists, and Planned
Parenthood. For decades Planned Parenthood has been a staple organization for
women. I’ve heard PP described as a mother figure, a friend, and a confidant.
Not many organizations (ESPECIALLY in the medical field) can boast having such
a personal presence in the lives of its patients. And when the Komen Foundation
hit PP with the news that they were pulling funding, the WHOLE big Planned
Parenthood family took offense. And this is not the family you want to mess
People that never take a stance on ANYTHING took a stance on
this. The apathetic, the “I’m not a feminist but…”’s, the mothers who would
have had 12 children was it not for BC (birth control), and the die-hard,
true-blue Planned Parenthood supporters. It was an amazing show of support that
under-appreciated organizations like Planned Parenthood don’t get to see to
often. Planned Parenthood is used to defending the 3% of their abortion
services; not the other 97%. But, because we live in such a neo-conservative
nation, it is not surprising that a few hyper-conservative board members would
go so far as to de-fund mammograms and breast exams based on the argument the
PP is under investigation by congress.
While the news that the Komen Foundation is reinstating
funding for PP is great news; it is only half the battle. As many crusaders for
basic civil rights will tell you, if you do not keep on top of every single
attempt to chip away at your cause it will get destroyed. In order to ensure
that this does not happen again, the Komen Foundation is going to need to
revamp their entire exec board. Who is to say they wont try pull this stunt
again, and again, and again until it works and they completely defund Planned
Parenthood. Unless lower members of the Susan G Komen foundation step up and
call for a new board, an APOLITICAL board, then nothing has really changed.
They felt pressure and they caved. But they will only rethink their tactics
until they come up with an effective way to relinquish funding.
I want to applaud everyone who stood with Planned
Parenthood, as it was such an important fight for women. But the fight isn’t
over. And the worse thing that can happen now is to lose steam and end dialogue
about Planned Parenthood, the work they do, and the adversity they face. If we
don’t fight for ourselves, no one else will. And our health is too important to
give up the fight on.
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